Tired of feeling broke?

Start a side hustle today that works for you.

Feel like you never have enough money? You probably need another income stream.

Whether you dream of traveling more, spending quality time with family, or never working a 9-5 again, we've got your back.

With countless side hustles and investment avenues out there, success stories are happening every day. If others can do it, so can you!

At Piece of the Pie, we're here to guide you on the journey to financial growth and freedom. No judgment, no intimidation—just practical guidance and a supportive community.

Join us to explore:

  • Creative side hustles

  • Real estate investing

  • Furnished rentals & Airbnb

  • Entrepreneurship

And more! Forget the finance bros telling you there’s only one way — all about kindness and inclusivity on the path to wealth.

The fact is that women should be wealthy, not just for themselves, but for the world. Wealthy women empower families, support communities, and drive positive change. So this is your sign - go get your piece of the pie girl!

Let’s change our crummy (get it? piece of the pie?) limiting beliefs towards wealth.

Don’t know what side hustle to start?

Take our quiz to find out which one would be best for you!

Hi! I’m Josie, founder of Piece of the Pie.

In 2017, a concussion threw me for a loop while I was working a 9-to-5 job in business & marketing at a sustainable architecture firm. I had such bad post-concussion symptoms that I had to quit which really got me thinking ( / panicking) — what if I couldn't rely on a regular job anymore? How would I make money?

Long story short, my husband and I now own Yacksmith Properties, where we buy, renovate and rent out properties in Canada. We’re Airbnb Superhosts and have learned a lot along the way!

I officially left the office life in 2022, and now I'm running Piece of the Pie, where I spill the beans on creative side hustles, real estate investing, short-term rentals, and the path to financial freedom. From post-concussion struggles to calling the shots, it’s been a wild ride. Join me on the journey!


  • “Nothing bad happens when women have more money.”

    Sallie Krawcheck, CEO and co-founder of Ellevest

  • ​​“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.”

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  • "When you invest, you are buying a day that you don't have to work."

    Aya Laraya

  • "Financial independence gives you the freedom to pursue your passions without worrying about money."

    Suze Orman

Should you become an Airbnb host?

(or stay far, far away…)

Download our Free Guide + Workbook to find out!

Hosting on Airbnb can be super rewarding but it’s definitely not for everyone!

Use this workbook to find out if you should become a host or not.

Admit it - it’s overdue.

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It’s not rocket science. It’s education, persistence, and action. It’s investing, real estate, starting businesses, and trying new things.

You can 100% do this, and we will show you how.

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